Monday, February 27, 2012

Meditating Squirrel

I spent some time today meditating. That's right, I said meditating. I threw my favorite quilt down in the backyard and no sooner had I straightened out the corners, the dogs had found their spot, circled it a couple of times (why do they do that?) and then laid down. The older one was quite content to lay there and take in the different scents as the Spring breeze pushed them across our yard. The younger one, our A.D.H.D. dog, curled up next to me ….. SQUIRREL!

So I just sat there. I sat with my legs crossed, or as we said I was a kid, Indian style. Now, I guess that would be a politically incorrect statement or maybe even hate speech to some. I don't care who you are, that's just stupid right there. I close my eyes, rested my hands on my knees and tried very hard not to think. For those of you who may be wondering the answer is no. No, I didn't hold my hands in some ritualistic fashion or chant ooohm either. I just sat there. I sat there and tried not to think about anything. That's hard for a guy who has A.D.D.

I had no agenda.

I wasn't looking for any answers.

This would be a pretty safe experiment for me. Sheri and Madyson were out of town for the weekend so I had no fears that I would hear Maddy in the background yelling, "Mom, dad's in the backyard doing something goofy." As I sat there I noticed various colors appearing. Obviously, there was red as a light was filtered through my eyelids. I thought of how the red I was seeing was from the blood cells as they pass through my eyelids. Then I thought how those very same blood cells had also passed through my heart. "That's pretty cool," I thought.

"Okay! Stop thinking," I told myself. So I squeezed my eyelids closed as tightly as I could and wow! An explosion of blues, greens and yellows burst in various patterns; always changing; always moving. "Stop it, A.D.D. boy. Stop thinking.” So I relaxed and the red hue returned and I sat there thoughtless.

Then it seemed like a thought wanted to enter my mind and I really tried hard to keep it at bay but it finally broke through whispering, "Restore the joy of my salvation." What? "Restore the joy of my salvation." So I started praying, "Father, please, restore to me the joy of my salvation." And then the phone rang.

After the phone call I looked up the verse that says "restore the joy of my salvation,” and guess what? I got it wrong. It doesn't say that. It says, "Restore to me again the joy of "YOUR" salvation.” That's quite a bit different.

I don't have any salvation without the one who provided it in the first place. Who am I to think I could restore it anyway? I have absolutely no chance of restoring it myself.

This was a good exercise for this A.D.D. boy. I learned something very valuable today that.....SQUIRREL!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

I Went to Harvard

I’ve got this weird little thing I do when I travel. I like to visit different colleges and universities around the country and buy a T-shirt on campus. It all started several years ago on a “New England in two days tour”. I stopped by Harvard and walked around the campus; taking in the history of it all. When I left, I bought a T-shirt from the Harvard bookstore. It seemed like every time I wore that shirt, someone would ask, “Hey, did you go to Harvard?” 

“Yes,” I would say, “I sure did.”

Anyway, I made it a point to visit the University of Alabama before returning home from a recent trip. As I was walking around the campus, I went into a coffee shop and there on the wall was this huge chalkboard. On the chalkboard was a drawing of the mighty Paul “Bear” Bryant, wearing his legendary checkered hat. Next to him were these words:
Never quit. It is the easiest cop-out in the world. Set a goal and don't quit until you attain it. When you do attain it, set another goal, and don't quit until you reach it. Never quit. Bear Bryant

Another famous coach is known for these words:

Winners never quit and quitters never win.
Vince Lombardi

Our business is represented at times with our logo on a single light bulb. Did you know it took Thomas Edison 10,000 tries to succeed at getting the light bulb invented. When asked about the failed attempts, his reply was that he didn’t fail; he just found 9,999 ways not to make a light bulb. Note what Edison says about quitting:
"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.
The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."
Thomas A. Edison

If I am to learn anything from these great American winners I think it is this:

Winning is inevitable, to those who persevere.


Gordon P Walker

FYI: the above was written using 323 words, equaling the amount of total career wins of Bear Bryant. I wasn’t prepared to match Edison’s attempts at the light bulb.