Friday, January 28, 2011

Purple Man Toes

Below you will find a piece I wrote on 8/27/2006.  Madyson was just two months shy of being 6 years old. At that time I was working in Temple, TX.  It was a Sunday evening, and I had just settled into the Holiday Inn Express. I plopped down on the bed, pointed the remote at the TV and that’s when I noticed it….

A “Madd”* Rant
I am surrounded by girls. 
My wife; a girl,
My kids; both girls;
Even the dog; girl. 

It seems though, at times, I have to check in my “Man Card” to be the “man” these females need me to be.

Dear GOD, I am a man.
I’m a dad. 
I am a husband.
I am a full blooded, all American, 100% heterosexual male. 
I drive a truck.
I have a license to carry a handgun. 
For cryin’ out loud
For the love of all that is Holy and good


Tonight, I am a man working with focused determination trying to remove purple and pink toenail polish from my MAN toes.   Yet, even as nice as they look on me, they’ve got to go.  No, no seriously, they really have to go.

*For Madyson who needed to paint her daddy’s toes. 

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